Wegen Inventur vom 01.01. bis 06.01.2025 geschlossen

BERETTA Pistole Mod. 92 FS Black 9mmLuger

1.399,00 € *

* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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  • TR200138
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92FS: The World's Most Trusted Military and Police Pistol The Beretta 92FS has been setting the... mehr
Produktinformationen "BERETTA Mod. 92 FS Black 9mmLuger"

92FS: The World's Most Trusted Military and Police Pistol

The Beretta 92FS has been setting the standards for best military, police and tactical pistol for over a quarter century.

The reason is that it was designed--and has kept evolving--to be and remain the most accurate, durable and reliable semiauto handgun on the market. Easy to use, absolutely safe and delivering impressive firepower, it remains the sidearm of the US military and of allied forces the world over, as well as of countless police and law-enforcement agencies.

Superior Reliability

The 92FS is a double/single-action semiauto pistol that employs an open-slide, short-recoil delayed locking-block system, which yields a faster cycle time and delivers exceptional accuracy and reliability. In particular, the open-slide design practically eliminates "stove-piping" and helps flawless cycling and feeding even after thousands and thousands of rounds.

Match-Grade Accuracy out of the Box

Regardless of the wonderful reputation it may have, the true test for a tactical pistol's worth is at the shooting range. The 92FS consistently bests the US military requirement of a 10-shot group of 3" or less at 50 meters (just short of 55 yards). While this type of match-grade accuracy is impressive, it is no magic. At Beretta, we know that absolutely precise tolerances keep performance consistent shot after shot-which not only gives the 92FS its extraordinary accuracy, but it makes all factory parts interchangeable within the same model. Couple this to the ability to reliably feed every variety of commercial ammunition, and it is easy to understand why the 92FS remains the best pistol in its class.

Packed with Useful Tactical Features

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Folgende Infos zum Hersteller sind verfübar...... mehr

2019 startete Beretta im Kurzwaffenbereich in die Offensive des dynamischen Schießens mit der neuen 92x Performance. Unsere beliebtesten Modelle sind die 1301 Competition, Cx4 Storm, die Pistolen 92 und 87, wie auch die Flinten 690 und 692 in verschiedenen Versionen.

Seit 1526 ist Beretta einer der größten Hersteller von Handfeuerwaffen Italiens. Durch die jahrhunderte lange Erfahrung und Investitionen in Technologie, Organisation und neue Produktlinien hat sich Beretta auf die Nachfrage des globalen Marktes im 21. Jahrhundert eingestellt. Qualität ohne Kompromisse - diese Maxime wurde vor fast fünf Jahrhunderten von Bartolomeo Beretta definiert und bildet nach wie vor das Fundament des heutigen Unternehmens.


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