For inventory CLOSED from 1st to 6th of January 2025

Products from Maglula

Since 2001, maglula Ltd. Israel manufacture professional military-quality tools for loading and unloading magazines. Our products save valuable time at the range, field, and armory, and prevent pain associated with loading and unloading magazines. They also prevent damage to the magazine lips, therefore reducing weapon jams.

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Maglula LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 14B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 14B f. H&K MP5 SMG in 9mm Luger
MP5 SMG LULA® loader and unloader for curved metal 9mm magazines. Fits curved 15 and 30 round 9mm MP5 SMG, HK94, and SP89 metal magazines. The LULA loader & unloader is a military quality personal magazine loader and unloader. It...
€29.50 *
Maglula UpLULA Pistol Mag Loader 60L Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader UpLULA Pistol Mag Loader 60L 9mmLuger -> 45ACP Lemon
The UpLULA loader is a military quality personal universal pistol magazine loader. It is a radical new design, which allows for easy and smooth loading of practically ALL single and double stack pistol magazines (except for .22cal)....
€34.95 *
Maglula BabyUpLULA Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader BabyUpLULA f. .22lr bis 9mmBrowningK/.380
Es ist ein radikal neues Design, das ein einfaches und reibungsloses Laden von praktisch ALLEN ein- und zweireihigen Pistolenmagazinen in den kleinen Kalibern ermöglicht (für größere Kaliber verwenden Sie die UPLULA). für fast alle...
€39.90 *
Maglula UpLULA Pistol Mag Loader 62B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader 22UpLULA Pistol Mag Loader 62B 22lr -doppelreihige Magazine
The UpLULA loader is a military quality personal universal pistol magazine loader. It is a radical new design, which allows for easy and smooth loading of practically ALL single and double stack pistol magazines (except for .22cal)....
€34.95 *
Maglula LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 21B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 21B f. SR25/DPMS
AR10 7.62×51 LULA&reg magazine loader and unloader Fits most AR10 magazines of all manufacturers. Benefits: All-in-one magazine speed loader and unloader ! Simple to use in either mode Eliminates thumb pain and injury Eliminates wear on...
€29.90 *
Maglula LULA .22lr Magazine V10&X10 Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA .22lr Magazine V10&X10 f. einreihige Magazine
MAGLULA .22lr SingleSatck loader X10-Lula & V10-Lula A set of two loaders for loading .22LR cal. single-stack narrow mags with a projecting side-button, such as: should fit: Ruger MK I, II, III, IV and 22/45 Browning BuckMark Beretta U22...
€24.95 *
Maglula LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 23B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 23B f. AR10 in .308Win /7,62x51
AR10 7.62×51 LULA&reg magazine loader and unloader Fits most AR10 magazines of all manufacturers. Benefits: All-in-one magazine speed loader and unloader ! Simple to use in either mode Eliminates thumb pain and injury Eliminates wear on...
€22.49 * €29.90 *
Maglula LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 30B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 30B f. Ruger 10/22
Ruger 10/22&reg .22LR LULA&reg Loader & UnLoader Set The loader fits: Ruger's factory mags: BX-1, 5, 10 rotary, and BX-15 and BX-25. S&W T/CR22 10rd mag. (tighter fit) The loader is more compact, durable, smoothly-operated loader...
€39.00 *
Maglula Magazin-Adapter für UPLULA Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader Adapter 1911AI Einsatz f. einreihige Magazine
1911 UPLULA ALIGNING INSERT An aligning insert add-on for the UpLULA and 22UpLULA loaders. It assist loading single-stack magazines by eliminating wiggling of the mag inside the loader. It's an insert to your existing loader, not a new...
€11.95 *
Maglula LULA Magazin Loader & Unloader Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 16B f. AR15 (Colt) in 9mm Luger
Both Loads AND Unloads FAST! 35sec to load 30 rd, 5sec unloading 30 rd. Safe on fingers and magazine, absolutely no sore thumb! Pocket size, just drop on in your range bag! Durable, made of the best quality glass-reinforced polymer...
€30.95 *
Maglula LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 11B Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 11B f. AR15 in 7,62x39
AR15 7.62×39 LULA&reg magazine loader and unloader Fits AR15 7.62×39 metal magazines of all manufacturers. Tested to work well with the following mags: AR Stoner ASC Cproducts D&H ProMag (excluding the 5rd mag) Benefits: All-in-one...
€28.95 *
Maglula LULA Magazin Loader & Unloader Maglula Speedloader/Magazine Loader LULA Rifle Loader&Unloader 12B f. AK47 in 7,62x39
AK47 / Galil LULA&reg® magazine loader and unloader Loads all: AK47 7.62 x 39 magazines and, Galil 5.56 x 45mm magazines. FAST! 35sec to load 30 rd, 5sec unloading 30 rd. Safe on fingers and magazine, absolutely no sore thumb! Pocket...
€28.95 *
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