For inventory CLOSED from 1st to 6th of January 2025

About us

Welcome, marksmen, hunters and nature lovers

Over 10,000 articles online

Since 1998, we are presenting over 10,000 items in our webshop, including brand new items, second hand guns and special offers. Our principle is "less is often more". So we remove non- and slow-sellers to help you with your choice.

Triebel is fast

Compared to other shops of our branch, we are quick with backorders. Of course we do not stock all 10,000 items, but we have very good contacts with the manufacturers and importers. Received orders will be forwarded immediately.

Triebel is innovative

Various reports in the specialist magazines VISIER and caliber testify that with the Club 30 or our own workshop we are constantly in search of improvements.

Triebel is competent

As a gunsmith company with 250 years of experience and its own workshop, we celebrated our 100th anniversary of the Berlin shop in in 2015 and have been one of the top five ALLJAGD-dealers for years.

Triebel is flexible and individual

We will also do our best to provide you with articles that are not listed in the product database.

Triebel is fighting for your rights

For years we have been committed to the rights of gun owners, both in Germany and in the EU. Various articles from the press  and appearances in talk shows  bear witness to this.

Triebel has sharply calculated daily prices

We cannot offer for all items best prices, but we pass on good purchasing conditions to our customers.

We hope you enjoy browsing through the database and the information pages.

Your TRIEBEL team
