For inventory CLOSED from 1st to 6th of January 2025

Gun law

Recreational Shooting & Self Defense

Within Germany most of these articles need a proof of majority. Please read the details in German language.

We do not export articles that require proof of age.


Goods subjected to licence

Within Germany you need a buying permit. Please read the details in German language.

Export to an EU or Schengen country (CH-IS-LI-NO)

EU Importgenehmigung

For the export of weapons, ammunition and essential parts (such as barrel, breech or system) which are subjected to licence, we require a copy of your country's import licence in accordance with Article 11 (2) of Directive 91/4 77/EEC; Article 10 (2) of Directive 93/15/EEC; 9a (1). 

You can obtain this license from your licensing authority, e.g. police. The structure and the form is similar to the German license in the illustration). If your authority does not have this form, we need a copy of your import licence with an original, official interpreter translation into German or English.

Our authority will issue an export license upon presentation of your import license. This process takes about a week. The shipping costs for weapons and parts depend on the country.

If you collect the ammunition yourself, we can also apply for it.

No shipment of dangerous goods (ammunition, powder, primers).


Export outside the EU

For the export of weapons and all spare parts, e.g. grips, sights, magazines, as well as for all reloading articles and ammunition we need your originally signed end-use declaration (by email and later by post) and a copy of your import permit.

With this letter we apply for an export license. This usually takes one to two months. If the weapons could be used in military conflicts, the licence lasts longer than three months (depending on the country of import and type of weapon) and can be refused. Even if our authority does not allow the export, you have to bear the costs for the application of the papers of € 20,--.

As soon as we have the approval, we will ship the goods tax-free. For air freight you may need a permit from your country. Please check with your international airport. We will be happy to inquire about the shipping costs.

Simple gun parts can only be shipped from Germany by DHL-Express.
Essential parts and weapons can only be exported by expensive air freight.

No shipment of ammunition in small quantities. No shipment of primers and gun powder.
